Technical manuals and documentation

The Yamagata Group has been providing technical content services to many of the world’s leading companies since 1955. Our experience covers many industries with specific technical communication needs, and we have helped major players in these areas expand their business to overseas markets.

Technical Writing

  • Perform a user-based needs assessment to understand documentation requirements
  • Collect relevant product specifications and other source information
  • Test drive the product (where applicable) to get the true user perspective
  • Develop support documentation including instructions and help files in accordance with agreed style guides
  • Produce final deliverables in multiple media and multiple languages

Why choose us?

-Certified technical writers

-High-quality content 


-Quick turnaround time

Technical Illustration

Technical illustration provides a visual representation of concepts to a (typically) non-technical audience. Yamagata Malaysia works with your engineering and marketing teams to produce this work in accordance with your communication needs. A number of print and digital formats are available, including paper, optic disk, API, and others.

Contact us today for a free consultation.